Frequently Asked Questions

Many people come to acupuncture for help with a with a specific symptom or condition, for example: anxiety, arthritis, asthma, back pain or weakness, circulatory problems, depression, digestive disorders, emotional difficulties, facial paralysis,fibrositis, high blood pressure, interminate aches and pains, infertility, menstrual problems, ME, migraines, psychological disorders, rheumatism, sciatica, sinusitis, skin conditions, tiredness, ulcers or urinary problems.

How is a diagnosis carried out?

A person’s energy is distributed through twelve energy paths. Each pathway is associated with an organ  and for each organ there are a variety of patterns of  energy balance - these are  called syndromes. When  diagnosing your  practitioner  will look for the syndrome which reflects your constitutional type as well as the one which underlies your specific complaint.


How is a diagnosis carried out?


A person’s energy is distributed through twelve energy paths. Each pathway is associated with an organ  and for each organ there are a variety of patterns of  energy balance - these are  called syndromes. When  diagnosing your  practitioner  will look for the syndrome which reflects your constitutional type as well as the one which underlies your specific complaint.


Does it hurt?


Some people would like to try acupuncture but don’t because they assume it will be painful. Infact the needles used are much finer than those used for injections, only a slight prick is felt as the needle goes through the skin. When the needle reaches the desired point- an area 2-5 mm below the skin there is another sensation often described as a dull ache. It is rarely described as painful and lasts only 1-2 seconds.

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